During the 2020 Covid Lockdowns, I gave a talk for the TEDxMelbourne PluggedIn event.
The brief was to share my “Vision of the New Future Beyond 2020" in 3 mins.
I believe walkable cities are going to be a part of our future, and I’m a huge advocate for them, but not only for the reasons we usually talk about. Sure, there are health benefits for people and it’s great for the environment, as well as boosting our economy.
But something else UNEXPECTED happens when we start living a walkable lifestyle.... spontaneity gets a chance. When you live in a spontaneous city, you are city-skiing!
Spontaneous cities move us from a state of doing, to one of being, and that is when we are most productive, creative and fulfilled self!
Check out the recording of my talk to discover more!
~ Melissa
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Balmain NSW 2041
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Office Address
Level 2 / 323 Darling Street,
Balmain NSW 2041
Postal Address
PO Box 285
Drummoyne NSW 1470
Town Planning + Community Engagement